Courses without Qualification

Courses without Qualification

Wenn Du dich für Naturguidekurse in Südafrika interessierst, ohne einen formellen Abschluss anzustreben, gibt es dennoch Möglichkeiten, dein Wissen und deine Fähigkeiten auf diesem Gebiet zu erweitern. Obwohl dieser Kurse nicht zu einer anerkannten Zertifizierung führen, können sie dir wertvolle Einblicke und praktische Schulungen im Bereich Naturführung bieten. Hier sind einige Optionen, die Du in Betracht ziehen kannst:

Freiwilligenprogramme: Viele Naturschutzorganisationen und Naturreservate in Südafrika bieten Freiwilligenprogramme an, bei denen Du an verschiedenen Aktivitäten im Zusammenhang mit Naturführung teilnehmen kannst. Diese Programme beinhalten oft Schulungen und praktische Erfahrungen in Bereichen wie Wildtierüberwachung, Lebensraumrestaurierung und Gemeindearbeit. Obwohl es sich nicht um formale Kurse handelt, bieten sie dir die Möglichkeit, von erfahrenen Guides zu lernen und zum Naturschutz beizutragen.

Starte Deine Reise

Feldworkshops und Seminare: Achte auf Feldworkshops und Seminare, die von Naturschutzorganisationen, Forschungseinrichtungen oder Naturreservaten in Südafrika organisiert werden. Diese Veranstaltungen behandeln oft spezifische Themen rund um Wildtiere, Ökologie oder Naturgeschichte. Die Teilnahme an diesen Workshops kann dir wertvolle Einblicke und Netzwerkmöglichkeiten mit Fachleuten auf dem Gebiet bieten.

Online-Ressourcen und Selbststudium: Nutze die Vielzahl von Online-Ressourcen, um mehr über die Flora, Fauna und Ökosysteme Südafrikas zu erfahren. Erkunde Websites, Blogs und Online-Kurse, die ausführliche Informationen zur Tierwelt und Naturgeschichte der Region bieten. Du kannst auch E-Books, Bestimmungsbücher und Dokumentationen nutzen, um dein Wissen zu erweitern.

Geführte Naturwanderungen und Touren: Nimm an geführten Naturwanderungen oder Touren teil, die von erfahrenen Guides und Reiseveranstaltern in Südafrika angeboten werden. Diese Ausflüge bieten dir die Möglichkeit, von sachkundigen Guides zu lernen, während Du die vielfältigen Landschaften der Region erkundest und die Tierwelt beobachtest. Nutze ihr Fachwissen und stelle Fragen, um dein Verständnis für die natürliche Umgebung zu vertiefen.

Starte Deine Reise

Lokale Naturkunde-Clubs und Gesellschaften: Erwäge den Beitritt zu lokalen Naturkunde-Clubs und Gesellschaften in Südafrika. Diese Gruppen organisieren oft Exkursionen, Workshops und Vorträge zu verschiedenen Aspekten der Naturgeschichte. Die Verbindung zu anderen Naturbegeisterten und Experten kann dir wertvolle Lernmöglichkeiten bieten und helfen, dein Wissen und Netzwerk auf diesem Gebiet zu erweitern.

Denke daran, dass Leidenschaft, Neugierde und kontinuierliches Lernen genauso wichtig sind wie formale Qualifikationen, um ein sachkundiger und versierter Naturguide zu werden. Nutze die Gelegenheit, in die Natur einzutauchen, mit Experten in Kontakt zu treten und dein Verständnis für die natürliche Welt weiter zu vertiefen.


Find Your Perfect Journey

Courses without Qualification

Birding in the Bush Southern Africa

The birding course in South Africa and Botswana is a unique opportunity, no matter whether you are a passionate birder, looking to further yourself professionally or personally, or simply looking for a quite unique type of holiday. Open your eyes to African birdlife and get familiar with some of the smaller residents of the African wilderness. Come and discover the unique world of birds in a fascinating landscape with Natucate.

Courses without Qualification

Ecoquest Kenya

So far you have had little to do with nature, but would now like to embark on that journey? Then our introductory EcoQuest course in awe-inspiring Kenya is just right for you. This course is especially designed for newcomers, who can gather valuable insights which they will never forget, during a 7 or 14-day stay in awesome surroundings. Kenya's spectacular Masai Mara is the perfect region for an adventure which will make your daily routine fade into the background. Discover the exciting world of animals and plants and embark on your first steps in the wild with the EcoQuest course.

Courses without Qualification

Ecoquest Southern Africa

So far you have had little to do with nature, but would now like to embark on that journey? Then our EcoQuest course is just right for you. This introductory course is especially designed for newcomers, who can gather valuable insights which they will never forget, during a 7 or 14-day stay in awesome surroundings.

Courses without Qualification

Ecosavvy South Africa

In this 14-day Ecosavvy course, you will gain a good understanding and usefull skills in trails guiding, tracking skills and leadership. It is based on practical, experiential learning. You will improve your ability to read your immediate surroundings and deepen your connection to nature. In addition to focusing on identifying and interpreting the tracks and signs left by the incredible diversity of South African wildlife, you will become more at home in nature and focus on different life skills needed to lead a group of people on a journey of risk and opportunity.

Courses without Qualification

Ecotracker Wildlife Monitoring South Africa

Take part in this unique training course in South Africa and acquire traditional skills in wildlife tracking and essential knowledge of conservation management within 28 days.
Tracking describes the skill and knowledge to recognize, interpret and follow animal signs. Skilled trackers know what an animal is doing – without actually seeing it. In short: Tracking opens the door to hidden worlds.
The art of tracking is one of the most complex skills in the world of wildlife and plays a significant role in the fields of ecotourism, species conservation and wildlife monitoring.
The course is divided into three different phases. In the last phase, you will have the opportunity to take a final exam and depending on the results achieved, obtain a Tracker Academy and FGASA endorsed Tracker certificate.

Courses without Qualification

Kalahari Primative Trail Southern Africa

This journey, led by some of the most professional Wilderness Trails Guides, takes you on navigational trails through the distinct wilderness of the Kalahari. Under the magnificent wide-open skies, you and your group will spend the night on sleep-outs (no tent) as you take turns to keep watch in the silence of the dark. During the day, you carry all your essentials in your backpack and spend the days self-sufficiently in the wild.

Courses without Qualification

Safari Guide Southern Africa

In South Africa and Botswana, nature fascinates us with its harmonious interplay of flora, fauna, climate, and nature, in which you will acquire valuable knowledge and useful skills in daily practice. Make your Wilderness Experience amidst the typical landscapes and the breathtaking diversity of the animal kingdom.
The 28-day Safari Guide course in Botswana or South Africa will teach you the basics of African nature not only in theory but of course also in practice. As with all our programmes, the intensive work in and with nature will reveal new facets to your personality and a personal development which will pleasantly surprise both you and others.

Courses without Qualification

San Survival Skills and Tracking Botswana

Are you dreaming about going back to the roots, being close to nature and experiencing one of the last wild places in Southern Africa? Then take part in this exceptional Wilderness Experience and gain some ancient knowledge from hunter-gatherers and survival skills in the unspoiled nature of the famous Okavango Delta!
Your adventure is topped off by the fact that this introductory course is accompanied by two San-men, indigenous peoples of Southern Africa. Find out first-hand about their survival, hunting and tracking skills, their extensive understanding of the flora and fauna of Southern Africa, and their rich cultural traditions.

Courses without Qualification

Track and Trail Botswana

Dreaming about going back to the roots, observing wild animals from up close and experiencing one of the last wild places in Southern Africa?
During our Track & Trail adventure, you will gain precious nature knowledge surrounded by the unspoiled wilderness of Botswana’s incomparable Okavango Delta. Experienced safari guides share their expert knowledge about the local flora and fauna and teach you the art of tracking and trailing in the midst of a true wildlife paradise.
It is up to you whether you take part in a 8-day training course, focusing on either tracking or trailing, or if you enjoy a 15-day wilderness adventure which combines both aspects.

Courses without Qualification

Tracking Southern Africa

This course will help you to find your bearings in the African wilderness and will make you more familiar with the animal life in the area. You will deepen your knowledge of the various animals in the region, learn how to recognise their tracks and use these tracks to make your approach. Your survival training in the wilderness will include the traditional know-how of historical hunters and gatherers. This will include teaching about vital subjects such as finding water, identifying edible fruit and laying traps. Come and have an unforgettable adventure in the middle of a unique landscape and acquire traditional know-how in the African wilderness.

Courses without Qualification

Wilderness Experience Botswana

Take part in our Private Wilderness Experience and experience the magic of Botswana's spectacular Okavango Delta!
Together with a group of about twenty participants you will spend two weeks in a camp in the picturesque Kwapa region, go on daily game drives and wilderness walks and discover the unique flora and fauna of the planet’s largest inland delta – always under the guidance of an experienced guide and always accompanied by Natucate founder Daniel.
A Private Wilderness Experience with Natucate allows you to dive into Southern Africa’s nature in an incomparable way, to witness unique wildlife sightings, to gain new knowledge and to go back to the roots. Natucate the World and enjoy a once-in-a-lifetime adventure.

Courses without Qualification

Wilderness Trails Southern Africa

This course will provide you with unique experiences in a largely untouched natural environment and will allow you to enjoy your time at the heart of the African wilderness away from the hectic pace of everyday life.
Some of the most experienced guides in Africa will provide you with essential information about how to survive in the African wilderness. This course will also help you to have a better understanding of the landscape and the natural environment. During the day, you and the group will hike through untouched landscapes under the guidance of the professional course leader, where you will learn how to get your bearings and deal with the natural environment. This unique week in the open air will give you an opportunity to get to know the unique range of species native to Africa.